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Effects of Rain and Thunderstorms on Pests and our Pets

Steps to a Pest Free Home after thunderstorms and floods

Thunderstorms and rain are becoming increasingly common in Southeast Queensland.

It is important to keep a close eye on pests and pets during heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, to enable you to take appropriate measures to protect your pets and manage unwanted any pest activity.

If you are concerned about increased pest activity, give Pet Safe Pest Management a call on 0437 927 830 or email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You can take some steps to help keep your home pest-free if thunderstorms move through your area.

Before the Storm

  • Seal any cracks or holes in your home’s exterior to prevent pests and insects from entering. This is particularly important for pests such as rodents and cockroaches, which can squeeze through small openings.
  • Keep your home clean and tidy. Pests such as ants and cockroaches are attracted to food scraps and crumbs, so make sure to clean up any spills or crumbs that may attract them to your house if they are seeking shelter.
  • Keep your garden areas clean and well-maintained. Trim back any overgrown bushes or trees, and dispose of any piles of leaves or debris that could provide shelter for pests.
  • Keep an eye out for signs of pests, such as droppings or gnawed wood, and take action to eliminate the problem as soon as possible.
  • Keep pets inside and secure during the storm. Pets can be frightened by the loud noise and bright light and may run away or cause damage.
  • Be aware of the weather forecast and take appropriate measures. For example, if there is a forecast of heavy rain, it may be a good idea to move any firewood or other potential nesting materials away from the house.
  • By taking these steps, you can help reduce the risk of pests entering your home before the storm and increase the chances of keeping your home pest-free.

Note: If you see a lot of pest activity before and during the storm, it is probably time to get your home inspected as they have probably found their new home for later!

Pest Activity during the Storm

A few bigger pests may look for cover as their dens and nests become flooded. Look out for them and watch for locations in your house where there could be standing water. We would highly recommend adjusting where the downspouts are channelling water and be sure that it is not getting into the crawl spaces, under-house storage or foundations.

During a thunderstorm, it’s important to take steps to protect both pests and pets. Here are a few examples of what you can do: 

  • Keep windows and doors closed to prevent pests from entering your home. This can be particularly important if you’ve recently had a pest infestation, as pests may be seeking shelter from the storm.
  • Keep an eye out for any pests that may have entered your home during the storm, and take action to eliminate them as soon
    as possible.
  • Provide a safe and secure environment for pets during the storm. This may include creating a quiet room with comfortable bedding, or providing a thunder shirt or other calming device.
  • Be aware of any potential hazards for pets during the storm, such as flooded areas or fallen branches, and keep them away from these areas.
  • Keep pets inside and secure during the storm. Pets can be frightened by the loud noise and bright light and may run away or cause damage.
  • Consider providing additional food and water for your pets, as the stress of a thunderstorm can make them more thirsty and hungry.

  • Check on your pets frequently during the storm to ensure they are safe and comfortable.

By taking these steps, you can help protect both pests and pets during a thunderstorm and ensure that they are safe and secure.

Pest Activity After The Storm

Standing water does not only attract small animals (such as mice and rats), but it is also the mating ground for pests. A puddle that is about two or three inches deep could be a mating ground for colonies of mosquitoes that could breed many thousands of baby mozzies.

Be sure to have excellent drainage to prevent standing water. In case you have a water feature or pool, you should run the pumps on a periodic basis to make sure that the water is constantly moving.

If you suspect you have rodents (watch out after the rains have stopped and moisture has been absorbed), if you see fur and lint in the cracks around your house, rodents may be on the move carrying some of their bedding and furniture to move on in.

After a thunderstorm, it’s important to be aware of any potential changes in pest activity and take appropriate measures to keep your home pest-free. Call Pet Safe Pest Management on 0437 927 830 for an obligation free discussion and quote. 

Inspect your home’s exterior for any signs of damage that could have created new entry points for pests. This may include holes or cracks in the foundation, or damage to the roof or windows.

  • Check for any standing water or moisture around your home, as this can attract pests such as mosquitoes and cockroaches.
  • Keep an eye out for any pests that may have entered your home during or after the storm, and take action to eliminate them as soon as possible.
  • Keep pets inside and secure after the storm until you have identified if there is any danger or damage that requires action and remedy to ensure pet safety.

By taking these steps, you can help keep your home pest-free after a thunderstorm and ensure that both pests and pets are safe and secure.

If you are concerned about increased pest activity, give Pet Safe Pest Management a call on 0437 927 830 or email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..